Tooth extraction is often the last option that a dentist will employ, as preserving the patient’s natural teeth is always the preferred option. Unfortunately, however, when teeth become non-restorable through some type of severe damage, tooth extraction may be the only alternative. Dentists and oral surgeons are able to extract a tooth. Extractions help to prevent further damage by teeth that are severely decayed, abscessed, or fractured.

With the goal of preventing the spread of infection, improving oral health, and a variety of other medical reasons, dentists may choose to perform a tooth extraction. While many patients are adverse to this type of dental treatment, it is important to understand the massive impact that may result from allowing unhealthy teeth to remain inside of the mouth. Removing a tooth from its socket is a serious decision. Therefore, it is important that every patient is comfortable with and trusts their dentist.

To schedule an appointment today, contact our West Palm Beach dental care professional at your earliest convenience.

Reasons for a Tooth Extraction<

When a patient is suffering from a decayed or fractured tooth, the dentist will often exercise all possible avenues for care prior to suggesting that an extraction is necessary. For instance, with the use of crowns, fillings, and other dental treatments, dentists are often able to repair the damage and avoid the need to pull the tooth from its socket. However, there are circumstances where the patient’s damage is past the point of repair. In these situations, a tooth extraction is often the best option.

The following are the most commonly seen reasons that a patient might undergo a tooth extraction:

  • Severe infection or tooth decay (the most common reason for an extraction today)
  • Severe periodontal (gum) disease
  • Fractured teeth
  • Extra teeth are blocking others from coming in
  • Prior to orthodontic treatment (an extraction may be necessary before a patient receives braces)
  • Not enough space for wisdom teeth to grow
  • Baby teeth that have not fallen out at a fast enough rate for permanent teeth come in

In addition to these reasons for extraction, a patient may also need to have a tooth removed in cases where they are receiving head and neck radiation. In these cases, the teeth in the field of radiation will need to be extracted. Regardless of why a tooth extraction may be necessary, it is imperative for all patients to speak with their dentist prior to this oral surgery. Going over available options and the details of the surgery will help to ease the patient’s nerves and mentally prepare them for the tooth extraction.

Types of Dental Extraction

When a dentist advises that a patient undergo a tooth extraction surgery they must understand that the surgery should be conducted as soon as possible. The longer amount of time that goes by before the surgery takes place, the greater the likelihood that the disease or infection may spread and worsen the original problem. Dependent upon the severity of the tooth that needs to be extracted, the dentist will perform one of two types of removal processes.

The following are the two types of dental extractions used:

  • Simple Extraction: typically under a local anesthetic, simple extractions address those teeth that are visible inside of the mouth and easy accessible. Medical instruments are used to lift and/or clasp the visible segment of the tooth. An elevator is used for lifting and the dental forceps are utilized in a back and forth motion. The periodontal ligament must be adequately broken and the supporting alveolar bone must be sufficiently widened to remove the tooth. Dentists will likely use the dental forceps with steady and slow pressure.
  • Surgical Extraction: teeth that are broken below the gum line and those teeth that have not fully erupted are not easily accessible. Therefore, a surgical extraction is required to remove the tooth, necessitating an incision. Using an osteotome or drill, the dentist will lift the soft tissues that cover the tooth and bone and then remove the surrounding bone tissue. In many cases, the dentist will split the tooth in order to remove the pieces without difficulty.

Many patients harbor a number of fears prior to undergoing a tooth extraction surgery. However, it is important to understand that the recovery period is often short for these kinds of procedures. The patient may be prescribed pain killers and advised to rinse regularly with warm salt water. If the stitches are not dissolvable, the dentist will remove them after a few days.

If you are having any doubts about the current state of your teeth and overall oral health, it is important to speak to a professional. Contact James Family Dentistry’s Royal Palm Beach office today to learn more.